Talking timbuktu download on : AFTwRC TT(1994).rar,talkingtimbuktualifarkatoure.rar, Mediafire,4shared,Rapidshare Files. It was awarded a gold certification from the which indicated sales of at least 100,000 copies throughout Europe. The guitar riff from the song Diaraby was selected for the Geo-quiz segment of PRI-BBC radio program and was retained by popular demand when put to a vote by the listeners. He usually sang in one of several African languages, mostly Songhay, Fulfulde, or Tamasheq, as on his breakthrough album, Ali Farka Tour, which established his reputation in the world music community.

Musically, the many superpositions of guitars and rhythms in his music were similar to R. Ali Farka Toure Talking Timbuktu Rar Files Zip Bellmegabest Copyright.