'I mean, never mind the years of activism, the protests, the decades of cumulated grievances, the terrible economic situation, the trampled political freedoms, the police brutality, the torture, etc. A central processor coordinates the switch's operations and directs the switch to set up a speech or data path from one. Like most phone companies, Vodafone Greece uses the same kind of computer for both its mobile switching centers and its base station controllers-Ericsson's AXE line of switches.

'Apparently this tagline inspired people to take the streets,' he wrote. Prominent blogger Mohamed El-Dahshan was one of many who claimed to be insulted by the film. We only reminded Egyptians how powerful they are.' But according to The Guardian, the film has been condemned as 'a sickening attempt to push up sales by riding the revolutionary bandwagon'.

The three-minute film ends with the tagline: 'We didn't send people to the streets, we didn't start the revolution. People power: Anti-government protesters gather in Cairo's Tahir Square during February's revolution An advert created by the company's marketing firm, JWT, links an earlier ad campaign - entitled Our Power - with images of February's pro-democracy riots and an audio recording of President Mubarak's resignation.